Advanced Coal Generator

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Advanced Coal Generator
Advanced Coal Generator
cost §15,000
upkeep • §375 per hour

• 8.6 tons of Coal per day

ploppable Coal Power Plant
function Power output: 75 megawatts
limit 4
extra • Medium air pollution (876,960 PPM)

• Medium ground pollution (4,992 PPM)

description Costs more but produces less pollution as well as making decent levels of power. Y’know, for when you care about the environment a tiny bit.

The Clean Coal Generator is the second of the three addon modules of the Coal Power Plant. It uses coal from the Coal Power Plant's storage facility.


  • Cheapest cost per hour.
  • Medium amount of air pollution.
  • Medium amount of ground pollution.


  • Average Size.
  • Average cost placement.


  • Same amount of power for a higher coal intake.

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