Amusement Park Set

Revision as of 02:02, 29 May 2013 by Planner (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 02:02, 29 May 2013 by Planner (talk | contribs)

Amusement Park Set

Amusement Park DLC was released on May 28, 2013. It allows the player to construct 3 amusement parks that serve as tourist attractions.

Players can only construct one amusement park per city. For each amusement park players can construct 5 main attractions, large rides that generate a lot of revenue but has long queue times, 12 secondary attractions, smaller rides with shorter queue times, 20 concession stands, food stands and snack carts that recharge Sims and allow them to remain in the park.

  • Amusement park generates simoleons through ticket sales to rides and concession sales.
  • The amusement parks are found in the Culture specialization, under the "Attractions" tab.


Amusement Parks

Funshine Amusement Park

Funshine Amusement Park

Wheels of Wonder Amusement Park

Wheels of Wonder Amusement Park

Thrilland Adventure Park

Thrilland Adventure Park