Jail Cells Ground Floor (Police Station)

Jail Cells Ground Floor (Police Station)
Jail Cells Ground Floor (Police Station)
cost §15,000
upkeep §300 per hour
ploppable Police Station
function Stores 15 additional criminals for rehabilitation.
limit 4
description Meager accommodations for criminals. Criminals are rehabilitated after several days. Must be built on the ground.

Police Station Patrol Car LotJail Cells (Ground Floor)Jail Cells (Top Floor)
Police Precinct Patrol Car LotJail Cells (Ground Floor)Jail Cells (Top Floor)Police Dispatch Tower
Detective WingCrime Prevention CenterPolice HelipadLawDrone Hangar
Maxis Manor Reticulator Landing PadTurbo Machine Garage
Vu Tower Vu LaboratoryVuMobile Garage
French Police Station French Patrol Car LotJail Cells (Ground Floor)Jail Cells (Top Floor)