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461 bytes added, 17:04, 26 November 2013
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There are three basic types of levels that you can build on a MegaTower: Apartment, Mall, and Office. Apartment levels are where Sims live, Mall levels are where they shop, and they work in Office levels.
'''Basic Levels:'''
Beyond Apartment, Mall, and Office levels, there are also service levels you can build on a MegaTower. These levels provide services right inside the tower. Normal MegaTowers have Nuclear Reactor Levels which work like Nuclear Power Plants. They require education from a college or university and will start leaking radiation if they don’t get it. On Elite MegaTowers, you can build Fusion Power levels. Fusion Power levels require ControlNet, but will never leak radiation.
You can build Education levels on both normal and Elite Megatowers. Education levels on normal MegaTowers work just like a high school, though they hold more students and have a better price-per-desk. The Elite Education levels work like a community college, but again, the Elite Education level holds more students at a better price-per-desk than regular community college.
'''Waste Reduction:'''
Both normal and Elite MegaTowers can build waste reduction levels. Waste reduction levels greatly reduce the amount of garbage and sewage that the MegaTower makes, while also reducing the water consumed. They also increase the amount of garbage that is converted into recycling.
Another level that you can build on both Elite and Normal MegaTowers are Skybridge levels. You can use Skybridge levels to connect different MegaTowers together. We’ll be talking more about Skybridges in a later blog, so stay tuned for that.
Park levels on normal and Elite MegaTowers work just like regular parks. The park levels on Elite MegaTowers even add land value around the MegaTower where they are built.
Safety levels hold OmegaCo safety drones. When there is an emergency, the drones will be deployed to solve the problem. Normal safety drones will put out fires and rehabilitate criminals, whereas Elite safety drones will put out fires, rehabilitate criminals, and cure sickness and injury. Of course, you’ll need OmegaCo in your city to produce drones. We’ll talk more about that in a couple of weeks.
The last thing you will build on your MegaTower is a crown. Crowns are special levels that can only be built on the top of a MegaTower. Crowns provide special bonuses that stack with the other Crowns in your region.
Each tower can build a power crown which will boost the output of other power crowns. Normal MegaTowers build Wind Power Crowns. Elite MegaTowers can build Solar Power Crowns. Building multiple Power Crowns boosts power production from all power crowns, which will allow you to supply power to other neighboring cities in your regionYou can also build a tourism crown, which attracts tourists and earns profits based on tourist attendance. Normal Tower Tourism crowns take low and medium wealth tourists. Elite Tower Tourism crowns take medium and high wealth tourists. Each tourism crown built increases the money you earn for each tourist that goes to a tourism crown. So if you like to build tourist cities, this crown is essential to really maximizing your profits.
Building an Advertising Crown on a normal or Elite MegaTower will boost profits from Mall and Office levels in your towers. Building additional Advertising Crowns increases profit from Mall and Office Levels.
Normal and Elite MegaTowers park crowns, work just like parks. Building additional park crowns boosts residential happiness.

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