SimCity Wiki:General disclaimer
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Revision as of 20:59, 18 October 2017 by Zanygenius (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=What is this?= Formed in 2013 by User:Planner, and was '''heavily''' contributed to by Special: Contributions/Admin. Their work was very rigorous, careful and informa...")
What is this?
Formed in 2013 by User:Planner, and was heavily contributed to by Special: Contributions/Admin. Their work was very rigorous, careful and informative. By policies of other wikis, published works are copyrighted and shall not be discriminated by an organization (see: 2.1.1), and/or be vandalized (1.1) by an individual (1.1.1) corporation (1.1.2) or government (1.1.3) except where permitted by law.
Prologue 1: Zanygenius
Currently, with the absence of an admin, he runs the place. No disrespect, plase ask for his help! TBC