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[[File:international airport.jpg|400px|thumb|right|International Airport]]
[[File:Solar_Farm.jpg|400px|thumb|right|Solar Farm]]
Great Works are monumental projects that require one or [[multiplayer|multiple]] cities or and players to complete. They can only be built on a [[region]]'s Great Work Site(s). The locations of great works are not customizable and the completion of the structures will benefit all the [[cities]] in the region.
==Great Works==
===Space Center===:''Main article: [[Space Center]] - Improves ''Space Center improves [[Culture|tourism ]] and [[education]] in the region
===International Airport===:''Main article: [[International Airport]] - Brings ''International Airport brings in a large quantity of tourists and helps industrial freight throughout region.
===Solar Farm===:''Main article: [[Solar Farm]] - Generates ''Solar Farm generates a large amount of clean [[power]].
===Arcology===:''Main article: [[Arcology]] - Benefits ''Arcology spawns workers, shoppers an students.
{{Great Works}}